Love, Loss and What I Wore

Holly Miller performs “I Hate My Purse” from Nora and Delia Ephron’s play Love, Loss, and What I Wore.

__Holly Miller 2252 copyHolly Miller has been a voice actress for four years.  She is active in Community Theater and has a weekly radio program width Audio Journal, a service that broadcasts printed material to the blind and visually impaired.

From Holly: “I initially chose to do “I Hate My Purse” from Nora Ephron’s play Love, Loss and What I Wore because I loved the humor in the piece. It wasn’t until Wren had me physically unpack my own purse that I went past the humor and began to understand the frustration and even shame associated with the disorganization. Once I incorporated these different facets of emotion into the scene, the piece became much more alive.”

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